8 Best TikTok Niches To Grow Your Account Fast (2022)
Do you want to be an influencer on TikTok? We have a beautiful blog post about the best TikTok niches to jump on
No one ever said that becoming a TikTok star was something easy to achieve overnight. However, there are a few steps that could help you speed up the process.
Before starting with your Tik Tok strategy, one of the most relevant aspects you need to decide is your target audience. Which means, who are you going to talk to?

It is crucial that you choose wisely and show consistency regarding your public, so you can generate great engagement levels and motivate your audience to keep paying attention to you.
First of all, remember that we’ve created a great post about the best TikTok trends in 2022 so go check it out if you wish to succeed on this social media platform!
Now let’s jump into the greatest TikTok niches for your TikTok marketing strategy:

Creating choreographies to famous songs is what TikTok is most popular about.
Accounts dedicated to dancing are usually the ones leading the popularity rankings among TikTok!
Our favorite: The Pop Smoke Dance
2. Comedy

Making people laugh always works. And there are tons of TikTok accounts dedicated to comedy that prove it.
The best part? It can be about whatever. For instance, funny and corny things you used to do on highschool are a great idea to appeal to teenagers!
3. Lip-syncing

Basically, this consists of singing along a great sound, but not really doing it.
However, you must be creative and add some special touch to your video in order to make it entertaining!
4. Cooking / baking

There’s no one single platform where the cooking and baking niche fails. This does not mean that people love cooking, but that they love watching tasty recipes step by step.
The great part about doing it on TikTok is that you can make short footages and then put them altogether within the app and link the recipe to your profile.
5. Arts and crafts

The DIY segment (‘do it yourself’) is also a fascinating TikTok niche. Anything from cooking to drawing and everything in between fits in this category.
You can speed up your footage and generate a great video showcasing the whole creative process!
6. Couple goals

Showing how deeply in love you are with your partner is always TikTok material. Even a plain but cute video made from couple pictures would work!
Whatsmore, there is always a new trend to try out such as hiding your camera and asking something to your significant other to see their answer.
7. Fashion

There’s a big TikTok niche interested in seeing daily outfits and getting fashion advice.
Also, if you run out of ideas there are trends to follow such as creating a total look to show what you would wear if you were part of a certain movie.
8. Fitness

This TikTok niche wants to receive tips on how to get a plain stomach, tonified arms or lift their booty. Just show your routine and add some before and after pictures to get your audience attention!